Monday, March 5, 2018

The Griffin Sisters Introduction

Long ago, Mythical creatures roamed the land with the other animals. But one fateful day, the animals of Jamaa faced a horrid threat, the phantoms where attacking! The war was long and dreadful, but in the end the animals and the mythical creatures won! But as the phantoms retreated, they grabbed Zios into the phantom portal! Mira, wracked with guilt took it out on the mythical creatures. Soon, a war broke out between the two, and the animals of Jamaa won. The Alphas used their Heartstones to place a curse on the mythical creatures. Whenever a jammer is born from mythical parents, he or she would not gain powers, and would just be a normal jammer. The mythical creatures where forced into hiding, and so Many years passed with the spell, and things where not looking good... But yet, the mythical creatures did not give up hope.

Monday, January 8, 2018


Hello my Kitkat's! Today is a Rare Item Monday, but we will not be talking about that. We have a a SCAMMER ALERT! (Sighs) Don't you wish we didnt have any? I sure do! Anywho, here is our scammer jammer!
jeff1127 did the classic black hole glitch. When you stack an item on each other so much it forms a grayish black square around it. I reported them and blocked them, then I just left! Please report this scammer along with any other scammers you may come across. Remember, Be a jammer, not a scammer!


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Cupcake House and a New Update!

Hello, my Kitkat's! Today, we have an Adopt-a-Pet, and the new update! First, we have the brand new Genie set! It's very nice and looks great on the fox! When the update first came out they forgot to release it... Oops! Anyway it comes in 8 different colors, but all of them are pretty! Next, we have my new Adopt-a-Pet! ''Bubblelime'' is a green jellyfish with round eyes, short tentacles, and a yummy burger for a hat!The base of the cupcake house is hot pink while the top of the house (the icing) is all white with sprinkles and two white bones on the front and back of the cupcake house.

The promo code was 500 gems; to be honest I think that was pretty good for about 2 bucks!

I had a lot of fun with the Adopt-a-Pet jellyfish and the new update! Now I will be off to go eat some yummy fruit by the foot! Goodbye my Kitkats!I will see you again soon!


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Welcome to my Blog!

Why, Hello there! Welcome to Sparklekitkatk's blog! I will try to do updates, add new items, cool looks and dens to see and visit. I will also blog about scammer alerts, and glitches! And hopefully much more! Now, I may not be on that much because I am very busy, but I will try my best to post! (They may not have pictures.) Anywho, we have 2 brand new items! The beaded necklace, and the fur cuffs! They are very snazzy, And sure are good for looks! Have a good day my kitkats, I will be back soon!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ~Sparklekitkatk~